Starting Primary School
Starting school is a major step for both child and parent. Fortunately in Brighton and Hove there are plenty of good quality primary schools.
All state schools, and some independent schools, have to undergo an Ofsted inspection which is provided by a government body. It is very thorough and reports on the achievements and quality of the school. It is a useful source of information that parents can use when choosing a school for their child.
Children start school in the academic year in which they have their fifth birthday, and parents are invited to visit schools the year before their child starts. Independent schools have their own admissions policies, so they have to be contacted directly.
For parents considering state schools the following admissions policy applies.
You can choose 3 schools which the council will consider equally. For example choice 3 is considered equally with choice 1.
If more applications are received at a school than there are places available the council operates admissions priorities. In order of priority they are:
- Children in the care of the local authority.
- Compelling medical or other exceptional reason for attending the school.
- Sibling link within 2 miles of the school. A sibling link is where another child who lives at the same address has already been allocated a place at the chosen school.
- Home to school distance. After priorities 1 to 3 have been considered, children living nearest the school will be considered.
The address at which your child is living will be the one considered by the admissions team when allocating your child a school place. Whilst it is recognised that some children have more than one address, it is the address at which child benefit is received and where the child is registered with a doctor that the admissions team normally uses. Evidence of address may be asked for. However, it is important to note that even proof of address cannot guarantee a place for your child at your choice of school.
You may find the following websites useful: