This page provides general information on childcare in Brighton, Hove and some parts of Sussex, and includes a directory of local childcare provision from day nurseries to nanny agencies.
Looking for good quality childcare can be difficult. Having survived the stresses and strains of learning how to look after a baby, many parents are then faced with a tricky decision in choosing who will look after their young children when they return to work. Fortunately, nowadays, there are numerous types of childcare offered to suit most parents' needs. When choosing childcare it is a good idea to consider how your needs may change over time.
Education is also an element of early years childcare. A government implemented inspection called Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education), which looks into the achievements and quality of the childcare provider has to be regularly carried out at most childcare settings. There are minimum standards which the childcare provider must meet. If the childcare provider cares for children from birth to 5 years they must join the Early Years Register and deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, a structure of learning, development and care for children. There is another register, the Childcare Register, for childcare providers looking after children up to 8 years of age. Providers who work with children from birth to 8 years must join both registers. You can find more information on what the Ofsted inspection involves, and what the Early Years Foundation Stage is, by visiting the following websites, and
The main types of childcare are: day nurseries, childminders, nannies and au pairs.
Day nurseries: these are privately run and provide daycare for children from 3 months to 5 years. (Some do take younger babies). They have to undergo an Ofsted inspection and provide the Early Years Foundation Stage programme. Nurseries are usually open 5 days a week except bank holidays.
Childminders: Childminders are often a good option for parents who would like a family setting for their child during the day. They are usually flexible and will look after babies and older children too. This choice is particularly favourable to parents with two or more children of differing ages, as childminders will pick up and drop off to school. Childminders have to be Ofsted inspected and deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage programme.
Nannies and au pairs: A nanny or an au pair will usually live in your home.
Nannies will look after children from birth and work either full or part time. Although they are not Ofsted inspected, they can choose to be registered on the voluntary childcare register.
Au pairs are often a more appropriate choice for parents of school age children. They work a maximum of 5 hours a day and will babysit for two evenings. They must have 2 days off a week.
The directory below gives details of childcare provision from children's day nurseries to nanny agencies in Brighton, Hove and some nearby towns.
Featured listing
Each Peach Childcare
Each Peach Childcare provides exceptional quality care for young babies and children up to five years old in Hove. Using modern, family-centric approach to childcare we pride ourselves in offering a family friendly service that will exceed expectations in developing a strong home/nursery partnership with child focused care.

Busy Bees Childcare
Open from 8am to 6pm, we welcome all children from birth to five years.
[email protected]
41 Dyke Road Avenue, HOVE, 01273 500151 [email protected]
Established in 1988 this day time nursery takes children from the ages 0 – 5 years.
01273 385577
Magic Minders
The Worthing Childminding Association providing Ofsted inspected childminders.
07799 675456
Nannies, Nursery Nurses, Teacher Supply, Maternity Nannies, Mothers Helps/Babysitting, Emergency/Temporary Childcare.
[email protected]
Wonder Years Nursery School
Open from 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday for children aged 0 – 5 years.
01273 553083
[email protected]
Young Sussex Nursery
Children's day nurseries for children aged 0 – 5 years. Full and part-time places. Funding for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Open 7am – 7pm all year.
191-193 Dyke Road, Hove, BN3 1TL. 01273 736948
302 Upper Shoreham Road, BN43 6BA. 01273 440777